Partnership Action Fund
While the Partnership’s model of collective action catalyzes immediate support, there are instances when countries’ requests for climate action go unanswered. The need for a flexible and fast mechanism to deploy support is evident. To meet this need, the NDC Partnership launched the Partnership Action Fund (PAF) at COP26. PAF supports developing Country Members in fast-tracking the implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by bridging gaps in support.

PAF has a current capitalization of USD 46.46 million until 2025. These resources are deployed to supplement existing support or respond to unsupported requests only once members have responded with their own resources and programs. By pooling funds and making them more readily available, the PAF ensures countries have better access to technical and financial resources and the widest possible range of Partnership members can respond rapidly to the needs of developing Country Members.
PAF Governance
PAF governance is built on the NDC Partnership’s existing governance structure:
- NDC Partnership Steering Committee serves as the governing and decision-making body for PAF;
- PAF Advisory Group, comprised of PAF funders, provides insights and recommendations to the NDC Partnership Steering Committee;
- NDC Partnership Support Unit serves as the Secretariat of the fund and manages PAF programmatic activities;
- PAF Grant Managers (UNOPS and WRI) manage PAF financial activities.
The Support Unit prepares PAF progress reports and organizes the PAF Advisory Group meetings biannually, one month prior to the Steering Committee meeting, to share updates on PAF activities; provide space for the Advisory Group to review and discuss aspects of the fund operations; and put forth a set of recommendations to the Steering Committee.
PAF Support Modality
PAF processes are fully integrated into the Partnership’s Country Engagement Strategy: the aim is always for Developed Country Members, Institutional and Associate Members to provide support first through their existing programs or resources, with PAF being deployed only as a last resort for unsupported activities or to fill gaps.
Developing Country Members can submit requests for support to the NDC Partnership at any time. These requests are circulated to the members periodically, seeking fully funded offers of support. If no member responds, requests are then considered for either one of the two PAF funding windows:
- Window 1: Facilitation and embedded advisory support; and
- Window 2: Technical assistance and scoping support, included through Thematic Calls.
For questions, please email: ndcpaf@ndcpartnership.org