Usman Khan
Climate Finance Analyst

Usman Khan is a Climate Finance Analyst with the NDC Partnership Support Unit and is based in Bonn. In his role, Usman will help with the implementation of the Partnership's Finance Strategy, including supporting finance-related country and partner engagement efforts, organizing convenings and events, developing analytical products, and managing data on finance-related matters.
Prior to joining the Partnership, Usman was an ODI Fellow embedded in the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia. In his role, he gave technical and strategic advice on climate-related issues to the Executive Director and particularly supported efforts to build capacity and increase access to climate finance. Usman subsequently worked as an Environmental Economist for the Namibia Nature Foundation, an NGO working at the nexus of conservation and sustainable development. His responsibilities included technical analyses, project management, bid development and stakeholder engagement.
Usman holds a BSc in Economics from the University of Warwick and an MSc in Environmental Economics and Climate Change from the London School of Economics and Political Science.