Jesus Alvarado
Climate Finance and Analysis Specialist

Jesus is a Climate Finance and Analysis Specialist for the NDC Partnership. In this role, he focuses on programmatic and analytical work to inform country and partner engagement, share lessons, and disseminate knowledge on international climate finance.
In the past, he supported partner engagement and knowledge management work for the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP), a global initiative to enhance the ambition, quality, and process of national climate planning across +60 developing economies around the world. Previously, he worked on nature-based solutions, climate change, and energy policy with international agencies and national ministries.
He has a background in international development with a master’s from Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany, and a bachelor’s with distinction from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). He received competitive awards, including from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Venezuelan American Friendship Association (AVAA).