Gabriel Malunga
Regional Program Officer, Anglophone & Lusophone Africa

Gabriel Malunga is the Regional Program Officer for Anglophone Africa with the NDC partnership Support Unit. His work entails supporting NDC Partnership Support Unit team for the region with NDC implementation in member countries including support with coordination and regional information and knowledge management.
Before joining the Partnership, Gabriel was at the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center Kampala (RCC Kampala) first as an intern and later as a Research Associate supporting RCC Kampala team in facilitating and promoting climate action in Eastern and Southern African region. His work at RCC Kampala focused on the support to countries in implementation of the Paris Agreement including on NDC related work under the Agreement, and the mobilization of climate finance, where he also supported the Needs Based Finance project under the UNFCCC for the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Additionally, while at RCC Kampala, he provided support to numerous projects in the Eastern and Southern African region under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which works to reduce emissions.
Gabriel holds a BSc. in Conservation Forestry & Products Technology from Makerere University and is looking forward to undertaking a Masters in Environment and Climate sciences.