Fabiola Villa
Global Call and Engagement Associate

Fabiola Villa is a Global Call and Engagement Associate in the NDC Partnership Support Unit. She is responsible for strengthening the technical support provided to countries through the Global Call and for supporting country requests relating to their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) and tracking and enhancing partner engagement.
Previously, Fabiola worked as a Technical Advisor for the project “Preparation of an Emissions Trading System (ETS) in Mexico” implemented by GIZ. She mainly focused on building capacities, accompanying stakeholders in preparing for the ETS and facilitating international outreach and knowledge transfer between Mexico, Germany and other countries. Prior to joining GIZ, Fabiola worked for the Chicago mayor’s office supporting the sustainability team.
Fabiola holds a Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago, a Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Monterrey Tech.