Public Transport Systems in India

South Asia
Climate Objective
Planning and Implementation Activity
Reviewing and Enhancing Ambition
Nationally Determined Contributions
Sectors and Themes
World Bank
Case Summary

India’s updated NDC targets a 45 percent reduction in GHG emissions intensity by 2030, compared with 2005 levels. The transport sector contributes approximately 10 percent of India’s GHG emissions and has the world’s fastest energy usage growth rate, averaging 6.8 percent per year since 2000. Oil products, mostly diesel and gasoline, supplied 95 percent of total energy in the sector, and road transport energy demand accounted for 90 percent of the total oil demand in 2017. Heavy-duty vehicles, such as buses and trucks, consumed 55 percent of total energy within India’s road transport sector in 2010; this share is expected to reach 67 percent by 2030. As a result, the government of India has identified the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles—particularly buses— as a priority policy intervention.

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