Climate Toolbox
The Climate Toolbox draws together tools, guidance, platforms, and advisory support from leading institutions in a searchable database to help countries plan and implement their NDCs. To read more about the database partners, click here.
To learn more about the terminology and filters used in the Climate Toolbox, see our Metadata and Definitions page.
Designing Accreditation and Verification Systems: A Guide to Ensuring Credibility for Carbon Pricing Instruments
Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR)
Emissions Trading in Practice: A Handbook on Design and Implementation
Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR)
Sectors and Themes
PMR Knowledge Center
Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR)
Establishing Scaled-Up Crediting Program Baselines under the Paris Agreement: Issues and options
Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR)
Addressing Water in National Adaptation Plans
Global Water Partnership (GWP)
Sectors and Themes
Communicating climate change: A practitioner's guide (Insights from Africa, Asia and Latin America)
Climate Development and Knowledge Network (CDKN)
Sectors and Themes
Climate Risk Assessment for Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A guidebook for planners and practitioners
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Eurac Research and United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Sectors and Themes
Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services
GCF Data- Interactive Map on programme and project-level data by country
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Sectors and Themes
Economic Recovery
Mapping Ocean Wealth Explorer
The Nature Conservancy
Sectors and Themes
Oceans and Coasts
Resilience Atlas
Conservation International