This fully interactive data platform allows users to explore and visualize global indicators and relevant country characteristics related to climate education and climate communication (CCE), otherwise known as Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). Methods and a user guide are available on the platform’s side bar. The data platform includes the following features:
• Global View: Gain an overview of the available data for all the global indicators of CCE.
• Indicator View: Explore one of fourteen global indicators of CCE in-depth.
• Country View: Deep dive into the global indicator data for an individual country’s CCE activity.
• Relationship View: Examine the relationships between global indicators in up to four dimensions.
• Compare View: View the global indicator data for regions and countries side-by-side to see how they compare.
• Organization View: Discover and network with organizations working in CCE.
The MECCE Project follows a phased approach for indicator development. Currently, the Project offers fourteen indicators for exploration. New and updated indicators are released regularly.