Biennial Update Report Template

Expertise Level
Resource Type
Inputs Needed
Outputs Provided
Guidance on the preparation of Biennial Update Reports
Developer or Source
Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA)

The GIZ Biennial Update Report Template is the second knowledge product from the Information Matters Project. It is intended to guide non-Annex I Parties in the preparation of Biennial Update Reports (BURs), thereby enabling those Parties to submit transparent as well as ambitious BURs. The GIZ Biennial Update Report Template is the second knowledge product from the Information Matters Project. The aim of the Information Matters project is to strengthen the in-country capacity for ambitious reporting in the four partner countries Chile, Dominican Republic, Ghana and the Philippines. In consultation with the partners, tailored capacity building workshops and backstopping activities have been designed to address the specific needs and priorities of the MRV systems. Through knowledge products like this GIZ Biennial Update Report Template the lessons learnt are shared with interested countries.