Tropical Forests: Global Implications and Pressing Actions (FORESTS 2024)

Name of the entity
Belmont Forum
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Climate Objective
Eligible to submit a proposal
Non-state actors (e.g., academic/research institutions, non-profits, etc.)
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
East Asia and Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
Sub-Saharan Africa
Sectors and Themes
Forestry and Other Land Use
Call Summary
The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a Collaborative Research Action "Tropical Forests: Global Implications and Pressing Actions" (FORESTS 2024) in partnership with the G20.

The CRA FORESTS 2024 aims to coordinate actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions, Amazonia being the largest and most populated. Acknowledging the differences in governance, cultural diversity, and territorial configuration, this CRA spans tropical forests worldwide that face similar challenges.

This call for proposals recognises the growing threats to those ecosystems and their inhabitants, such as climate change, deforestation, unregulated agroindustry and land conversion, illegal activities, pollution, and environmental/climate injustices. In the global tropical forest regions such as the Amazon, Central America, Asia, and Africa, the well-being and survival of indigenous peoples and local communities depend on the local ecosystem under pressure. The challenges tropical forest regions face vary depending on governance, local ecology, cultural diversity, and territorial configuration.

Registrations are due 12 November 2024, 23:59 UTC. The full proposals due date is to be announced.
Eligibility Criteria
Proposals submitted to this CRA should encompass elements from at least two of the three areas listed below:
• Area 1: Reduce deforestation, and promote sustainable development and locally-led economies
• Area 2: Ecosystem Function, Connectivity, and Climate Change Science
• Area 3: Environmental Justice and Governance

The application process includes the following requirements:
• Every proposal must include natural scientists, social scientists and stakeholders.
• There must be collaborators from at least three different countries on each proposal.
• Researchers ineligible for funding from any of the participating funding agencies must submit their own monetary resources or in-kind funding.
• Only one proposal is submitted per team.

For additional details on eligibility and registration instructions, see the “Read Call Documents” section of the application link.