NORAD Call for Proposals

This call has now closed

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Name of the entity
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Funding Amount
NOK 1,000,000
Eligible to submit a proposal
Public entities
Private companies
Climate Objective
Sub-Saharan Africa
Sectors and Themes
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
Call Summary
This is a call for proposals under the grant scheme for enterprise development for renewable energy. The grant scheme aims to contribute to sustainable economic growth through access to energy, which is key for many developing countries. Consideration will also be given to projects in other sectors with a significant element of renewable energy.

Grants are intended to reduce risk prior to investment decisions. Grants can support feasibility studies for business establishment or renewable energy projects or training of local staff. Applications for guarantee and risk premium in the long-term financing of renewable energy projects will also be considered.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant must be a legal commercial company. Please note that neither holding, investment, consulting companies, nor equipment suppliers, are eligible for support.

- This call is open for projects implemented in all countries eligible for Norwegian development assistance (OECD DAC list). Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa will be prioritised.

- The applicant must have financial capacity to implement the supported project as well as the main project (main investment).

- The applicant must have had a turnover in the last accounting year of at least NOK 6 million from the commercial activities. The applicant must present audited accounts for the last three years. The criteria do not apply for off-grid renewable energy projects, provided that the applicant at the last emission, having taken place within the last 12 months prior to the date of application, had a market capitalisation of minimum NOK 6 million.

- The applicant must demonstrate good insight into the issues concerned and must have set clear, achievable objectives for the project(s).

- The applicant must confirm that sufficient security assessments will be carried out for its own employees for stays abroad, and the necessary measures are taken for, for example, training, own guidelines, insurances and equipment.

- The applicant must have established close ties with potential partners. Information about partners must be provided.

- The applicant must have considerable ownership and involvement in the implementation of the main project. The applicant must own minimum 25 % of the equity in the planned main investment.

- The grant cannot be used to finance more than 10-15% of investment-related costs of a pilot project.

- The project must comply with the OECD/DAC criteria for ODA support.