The Lab 2024 Call for Ideas

This call has now closed

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Name of the entity
Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Climate Objective
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
Funding Amount
USD 250,000
East Asia and Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
Sub-Saharan Africa
Sectors and Themes
Call Summary
The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance is a network of over 70 expert institutions and investors from government, the private sector, philanthropy, and development finance, which identifies, develops, and launches innovative finance instruments that can drive billions to climate action and sustainable development. In nine years, the Lab has helped launch 68 solutions, collectively mobilizing over US$ 3.5 billion in sustainable investment.

The Lab is looking for innovative finance solutions that can unlock investment to tackle some of the most difficult climate and sustainable development challenges and investment opportunities for a net zero economy. Proposed sustainable finance vehicles should offer returns for private investors, create jobs and other local economic benefits, sustain biodiversity, improve climate resilience and/or decrease emissions.
Eligibility Criteria
The criteria for how submitted ideas are assessed and ranked are as follows:

Actionable: The Lab looks for ideas that demonstrate: (1) the involvement of entities able to implement the idea with relevant experience; (2) a clear pathway to implementation, including a defined timeframe, key activities, and project milestones; (3) identification of potential risks to implementation and strategies for dealing with them.

Catalytic: The catalytic potential is the ability of the idea to mobilize private sources of climate finance. Ideas should demonstrate: (1) the potential for scale-up of private investment in the target market; (2) the ability or potential to replicate in other markets.

Innovative: Successful Lab ideas demonstrate how the idea addresses barriers to climate finance that have either not yet been addressed or will be addressed more effectively than existing approaches in the market. In essence, the Lab looks for submissions that clearly articulate how the idea submitted is a value-add to other efforts in the space.

Financially Sustainable: High-quality Lab ideas will have a clear strategy for phasing out public and philanthropic financial support over time and achieving market viability on commercial terms, even if that runway is long in certain cases. They should also identify challenges and risks to attain these objectives and strategies for managing them.

Value Add: The Lab seeks to offer a significant value-add to the success of the selected ideas and teams, ensuring the capabilities of the Lab team and network complement the proposing team’s capabilities and needs. We look forward to working with teams with sufficient time and a functional governance structure to participate fully in the Lab process.