Climate Finance Accelerator Turkey

This call has now closed

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Name of the entity
Climate Finance Accelerator
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Eligible to submit a proposal
Private companies
Climate Objective
Europe and Central Asia
Sectors and Themes
Forestry and Other Land Use
Infrastructure and Industry
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
Call Summary
Climate Finance Acceleration (CFA) Turkey is a program that aims to find financing sources for projects that reduce carbon emissions and focuses on making projects more attractive and ready for financing in the eyes of financiers. Preparing attractive projects for investors can be challenging. Low-carbon projects are often perceived as higher risk, as new technologies and business models are not widely understood. CFA provides a variety of support for access to finance for projects aimed at preventing climate change.

CFA is a financing acceleration program and does not provide financing for projects.
Eligibility Criteria
CFA supports projects that reduce carbon emissions in need of financing. Candidate projects must meet the following criteria:
- It should be designed to provide measurable results on the climate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly.
- The total financing need should be 5-150 million US dollars. In some cases, smaller projects may be included in the program. Funds or similar structures consisting of multiple smaller projects are also welcome.
- Projects must be at least at the pre-technical feasibility stage.
- It should be a profitable business model in the long run.
- Projects with high social impact, especially projects that have effects that increase gender equality and social coverage, are encouraged to apply.