Call for Proposals under the GEF-8 Innovation Window

This call has now closed

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Name of the entity
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Funding Amount
USD 2,000,000
Eligible to submit a proposal
Non-state actors (e.g., academic/research institutions, non-profits, etc.)
Public entities
Private companies
Accredited entities
Climate Objective
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
Call Summary
The GEF Secretariat is pleased to announce a Call for Proposals (CFP) for financing under the GEF-8 Innovation Window. The Innovation Window was approved as a Global Program in the GEF-8 Programming Directions, with a US$12 million funding to further strengthen the GEF as an innovative institution in the global environment finance space. The Call for Proposals will enable the GEF Secretariat to identify and select a cohort of innovative projects that meet the criteria for financing under the window. It will also help to invest in a portfolio that can be potentially interlinked to crowd-in diverse entities for a comprehensive knowledge sharing and learning experience.

The Innovation Window will be entirely programmed as Medium-Sized Projects (MSPs) of up to a maximum of $2 million each. The MSP modality has been found to be particularly effective for piloting new approaches for scaling up and enhancing knowledge sharing, for testing new ideas, and for applying new science-based concepts or proof-of-concept in a pilot setting. Selected concepts will be required to follow the established GEF project cycle procedures for one-step or two-step submissions, depending on the amount of work required to deliver a fully developed proposal for approval.
Eligibility Criteria
GEF investments in research and innovative projects will follow key principles and eligibility criteria for relevance to GEF’s strategic role as an environmental funder, as follows:
• Convention Guidance. Research and innovation activities must be consistent with the guidance approved by the different MEAs for which the GEF serves as a financial mechanism.
• Consistent with the GEF mandate, objectives and strategy. Investments in research and innovation should focus on one or more elements that are relevant to the GEF Programming Directions Strategy. This includes, the Global Environmental Benefits, the Integrated Programs, the Focal Area Strategies, among others.
• Strategically Deployed. It is envisioned that with relatively small amounts of money the GEF could tap into a much larger pool of scientific capacities, greatly leveraging novel intellectual input to identify and test innovative approaches, which can in turn influence its programmatic prioritization. The Innovation Window can incentivize academic and research institutions to bring ideas to application, with incremental financing that would pilot science-based approaches to project design and implementation.
• Scientific Soundness. Research and innovation activities should be based on sound research techniques and approaches in the fields of natural, social and economic sciences.

Specific consideration will be given to five areas of innovation identified by the GEF Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) for advancing transformative change through GEF investments:
(a) technological innovation, for example, new products and processes and significant technical changes in existing products and processes;
(b) financial innovation, for example, new funding vehicles, generating funds by tapping new funding sources, and blended finance models;
(c) business model innovation, for example, new ways to generate revenue, reduce costs, deliver products and services, and create value;
(d) policy innovation, for example, develop and implement new and effective policies, approaches and strategies to address societal challenges; and
(e) institutional innovation, for example, changing formal organizations (e.g. government agencies, and business associations), and markets, as well as values, beliefs, and customs which guide people’s behavior.

Ideas proposed for the Innovation Window must be geared toward the systematic investigation of a well-defined problem, with a process that incorporates a well-defined hypothesis, a defined methodology for the gathering of information, analysis of data where relevant, and for the interpretation of the data to formulate conclusions. To be considered, proposals should clearly demonstrate how the project will produce knowledge on solution pathways that:
(1) analyzes and responds to specific GEF development challenges,
(2) investigates, compiles and disseminates experiences of “best practices” and “lessons learned” across project modalities, thematic areas, countries, country groups, or regions,
(3) provides guidance on replication and scaling towards transformative outcomes,
(4) links the GEF to the larger international conversations and initiatives, advancing practical solutions to global challenges,
(5) allows the GEF to tap into the enormous scientific capacities that can be found in developed and developing countries.

The Call for Proposals is open to any institution that will serve as lead and executing entity for the project but must involve at least one of the 18 GEF Agencies, who will be responsible for preparing and submitting selected MSPs in accordance with GEF requirements for funding. Interested entities are therefore required to work closely with the GEF Agency(ies) of their choice to ensure that, if selected, their MSP will be submitted according to GEF project cycle requirements.