Call for Projects 2024 - Concept Phase

This call has now closed

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Name of the entity
Mitigation Action Facility
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Climate Objective
Eligible to submit a proposal
Non-state actors (e.g., academic/research institutions, non-profits, etc.)
Public entities
Private companies
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
Funding Amount
EUR 25,000,000
Sectors and Themes
Infrastructure and Industry
Call Summary
The key features of the Call for Projects 2024 can be summarised as follows:

• The Call focuses on three priority sectors – energy, transport, industry – and supports cross-sectoral projects linked to one of the priority sectors
• Continued focus on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), as well as emphasis on long-term strategies (LTS), the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) processes and global cooperation (NDC Partnership)
• Provision of a grant-based funding for projects that combine technical assistance and financial cooperation targeting market-based, sustainable and scalable financial mechanisms
• Overall funding volume of the Call of up to EUR 100 million as well as an upper funding volume of EUR 25 million per project
• A simplified application process featuring a competition of Project Concepts, preceding the submission of Project Outlines
• A limit of 10 Project Concepts per Applicant including its regional representations and /or subsidiaries
• An upper limit of up to 25 Project Concepts selected to proceed into the Project Outline Phase in which further, more detailed, elaboration of the project needs to take place
• Tailored support in the Outline development provided to a limited number of promising Project Concepts (out of the 25 selected for the Project Outline Phase) submitted by Applicants that have limited previous experience with the Mitigation Action Facility (and its predecessor, the NAMA Facility)
Eligibility Criteria
Project Concepts and, upon selection, Project Outlines can be submitted by the following Applicants:

- A national ministry; in that case, a separate legal entity should be identified latest at the Project Outline Phase as the Applicant Support Partner (ASP) for contracting during DPP (not yet required at the Project Concept Phase). The ASP must comply with certain capacity and eligibility criteria to be considered eligible for support.
- Legal entities that comply with certain capacity and eligibility requirements and receive sufficient endorsement by the national government institutions relevant for the potential implementation of the project. The endorsement needs to be demonstrated at the Project Outline Phase in the form of endorsement letters (not yet required at the Project Concept Phase)

There are no regional and / or geographic preferences as part of the Call for Projects 2024. The Call is open to all ODA-eligible countries.