Africa Sustainable Futures Awards

Name of the entity
Financial Times, World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Climate Objective
Eligible to submit a proposal
Non-state actors (e.g., academic/research institutions, non-profits, etc.)
Private companies
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
Middle East and North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Sectors and Themes
Infrastructure and Industry
Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services
Call Summary
The Financial Times and the World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), have launched a major new awards programme to promote ground-breaking, long-term solutions to development challenges in Africa.

The Africa Sustainable Futures Awards will recognise innovative and financially viable projects and initiatives that provide transformative solutions to some of the biggest development issues facing Africa today. The focus in this inaugural year will be on the entrepreneurship, innovation and investment that can provide access to clean energy and digital connectivity, and ensure that urban infrastructure and natural ecosystems remain resilient to climate change. The programme will also highlight the importance of gender equality and inclusion in boosting the overall well-being and prosperity of Africa’s communities.

The winner in each category will be announced at a special awards dinner on 30 October 2024 that will conclude the FT’s Africa Summit, a major event at the Peninsula London bringing together African government, business and finance leaders with global investors and industry partners to collaborate on opportunities for long-term, sustainable growth.
Eligibility Criteria
Only initiatives that have been implemented since 2018 will be eligible. Entries must have annual revenues of at least US$3 million, or have investment of at least US$5 million, to be eligible.

Entries will be awarded across six categories: 1) Financing Access to Clean Energy, 2) Resilient Infrastructure, 3) Biodiversity and Ecosystems Protection, 4) Gender Equality and Inclusion, 5) Digital Infrastructure, and 6) Overall Award: Judges Award for Excellence. Submissions will be judged for innovation, impacts, and scalability on a five-level scale (from "Business as Usual" to "Transformational"). Visit the application page for more detailed descriptions of the award categories and judging criteria.