Raising Ambition Through Partnership - NDC & LT-LEDS Alignment: Paving the Way for a Net-Zero 2050

The NDC Partnership
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
United Nations Development Programme
World Resources Institute
Date & Time

05 September 2024

9:00AM Eastern Time (New York)

This event has now closed


This webinar series, hosted by NDC Partnership, GIZ, UNDP and WRI highlights successful examples of mitigation and adaptation ambition raising efforts while promoting exchange and learning to scale impact across the Partnership.

Countries are expected to present new targets for 2035 (NDCs 3.0) that are more ambitious in scope -- enhancing emission reduction goals as well as outlining a path forward for adaptation, a Just Transition, and loss and damage. Aligning NDCs with Long-Term Low-Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) is critical to delivering high-quality, ambitious, implementable, and investable NDCs. This webinar will focus on key considerations for countries to take as they set out to align these two instruments. Partners will feature a framework for NDC 3.0 and LT-LEDS Alignment under development, an introduction to the NDC Partnership's offering for NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS, and a country case use of the NDC 3.0 Navigator.