Raising Ambition through Partnership: From Cali to Belem - Aligning Nature and Climate Goals
The Raising Ambition through Partnership (RAP) webinar series highlights successful examples of mitigation and adaptation ambition-raising efforts while promoting exchange and learning to scale impact across the Partnership.
Aligning climate and biodiversity targets is critical to achieving the interconnected and complementary goals of the three Rio conventions: UNFCCC, CBD, UNCCD. Just as climate change disrupts habitats and ecosystems, biodiversity loss accelerates climate change and worsens its impacts. The route to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C and adapting to climate impacts, therefore, requires urgently protecting and restoring nature — and vice versa.
This webinar will focus on the accelerating and mutually reinforcing crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation, emphasizing how their societal impacts can only be overcome in an integrated manner. It will present instruments, support options and practical examples of implementation to highlight synergies across all three goals. This is particularly important against the background of past convention outcomes and with a view to this year's world climate conference COP 30 in Brazil.