Financing NDCs: How to Link NDCs With National Strategic Orientations and Policies in West Africa

Date & Time

08 December 2023

9:30AM Gulf Standard Time (Dubai)

This event has now closed


Enacted by the Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) aim to achieve a long-term goal of limiting temperature rise to below 1.5C. NDCs are a planning process that compiles the voluntary efforts made by individual countries to reduce their national emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change.  

The Paris Agreement (article 4, paragraph 2) requires each Party to establish, communicate and update its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The Parties (or signatories to the Paris Agreement) thus commit to taking measures in favor of mitigation and adaptation, with a view to achieving the objectives of these contributions, with an unconditional component involving each country's own, endogenous commitment, and another conditional component, subject to additional, exogenous support. 

NDC guidelines must be aligned with medium- and long-term local development planning, notably through the Long-Term Low-Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS).   

To date, all West African countries have recently submitted an updated NDC. Ambitions have been raised, but financing remains a major challenge. What's more, coherence between NDC projects and national development objectives is not always ensured, which often slows down the implementation and operationalization of planned actions. This makes our countries less attractive to investment, and reduces the prospect of effectively achieving the ambitions set by governments. In the context of the 1st Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement, the question of the means to implement the NDCs is all the more relevant to explain the current state of progress in the planned climate action program. 

The NDC Partnership (NDCP) is the main repository of information on countries' NDCs/LT-LEDSs, particularly those that are members of the partnership. The Bank, through the CRC, is in regular contact with the NDCP to discuss issues relating to climate action in the countries. Efforts are being made to encourage members to respond to the Partnership's open call for countries to develop and implement NDCs/LEDS, and countries that are not yet members are encouraged to join. 

  1. Objective:  

The aim of this event is to review the importance of linking NDCs and LT-LEDS with strategic planning and national and regional development policy guidelines to meet current climate challenges, and the various possibilities for financing NDCs in WAEMU countries. 

The panelists will present the efforts made in this direction, the good practices but also the challenges, while exploring innovative approaches and opportunities. 

The event will mobilize political decision-makers, NDC coordination partner organizations, climate experts, the private sector and civil society organizations committed to aligning their actions with national NDCs.