COP28: Reflecting product energy efficiency in Sub-Saharan African countries’ NDCs

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Swedish Energy Agency (SEA)
NDC Partnership Pavilion (Blue Zone, Opportunity District, Zone B7, Building 88)
Date & Time

02 December 2023

2:00PM Gulf Standard Time (Dubai)

This event has now closed


This event aims to raise awareness on and discuss the opportunities resulting from reflecting product energy efficiency targets and policies in Sub-Saharan African countries’ NDCs. 

It will showcase achievements in building vibrant markets for efficient products in the region, including the adoption of regionally harmonized and ambitious MEPS for lighting and cooling products by the SADC and EAC regions, one of other policies and activities, led by the Ministries of Energy, supported by the Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances (EELA) project in East and Southern Africa, a project funded by the Government of Sweden through Sida, and implemented by UNIDO, EACREEE, and SACREEE, with SEA and CLASP as technical partners. The EELA project is planned to expand to the ECOWAS region in its second phase.

NDCs in the region seldom have targets for efficient products and refer even less to MEPS or labeling. Their inclusion recognizes contribution to emissions reduction targets, promotes long-term policy planning, and furthers opportunities for international cooperation. Additionally, aligning NDCs with Paris Agreement goals is crucial. The event will present the Product Efficiency Call to Action from the CEM Super-Efficient Equipment and Deployment (SEAD) Initiative coordinated by IEA, with Nigeria and Ghana already committed to doubling the efficiency of key global products by 2030.

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