COP28: NDC-NBSAP Ministerial - Driving integrated implementation of national climate and biodiversity frameworks for 2030 action (Invite only)
Co-organized by: COP28 Presidency, CBD COP15 Presidency, NDC Partnership, NBSAP Accelerator Partnership, UN Climate Change High-level Champions
This event is invite only.
The COP28 and CBD COP15 Presidencies, in partnership with the NDC Partnership (NDC P) and the NBSAP Accelerator Partnership (NBSAP AP), will convene a ministerial event at COP28 on December 9th during Nature, Land Use and Ocean Day to bring together governments and supporting non-state actors to collectively discuss how to advance an integrated agenda for designing and implementing their national climate and biodiversity plans and strategies (which includes a cross-cutting focus on land degradation and restoration). This event will bring together existing or newly-launched country-led partnerships, initiatives and platforms across climate, biodiversity and land use to support countries in their national efforts. These include the Action Initiative for Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF Action Initiative), NDC Partnership, NBSAP Accelerator Partnership, ENACT Partnership, Nature Champions Network (NCN), High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People (HAC N&P), Global Ocean Alliance (GOA), SIDS Coalition for Nature, G20 Global Land Initiative (G20 GLI), and International Drought Resilience Alliance (IDRA). The Ministerial will feature governments sharing challenges and opportunities in implementing an aligned approach, and highlighting best practices, showcasing and announcing tools/initiatives to support implementation, and promoting areas of cooperation. In recognition of the critical period between COP28 and COP30, leading partnerships will jointly agree on modalities for strengthened collaboration and enhanced support for implementation.
09 December 2023
2:00PM Gulf Standard Time (Dubai)
09 December 2023
3:30PM Gulf Standard Time (Dubai)