COP28: National actions for climate and food: Launch of new NDC guidance tool for Agriculture and Food Systems

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
World Wildlife Fund
Food and Agriculture Pavilion
Date & Time

05 December 2023

3:30PM Gulf Standard Time (Dubai)

This event has now closed


To reach the goals of the Paris Agreement the world needs to raise ambition and scale up implementation in agriculture and food systems, given the fact that up to 42% of GHG emissions are from food production and consumption. The transformation towards sustainable, equitable and just agriculture and food systems within planetary boundaries is at the core of the German development agenda. If done right, agriculture and food systems hold key solutions to mitigate our current multiple crises. 

However, climate action in agriculture and food systems has been limited to date. Most of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) still lack a holistic approach to agriculture and food systems transformation. A food systems approach (including production, consumption and loss and waste) to NDCs could unlock the potential to deliver at least 20% of emission reduction. Countries require tangible guidance on how to go about the transformation at national level. In particular, the update of NDCs in 2025 will be an opportunity for Parties to agree on concrete steps on mitigation and adaptation in their agriculture and food systems.

This high-level side event will officially launch the NDC guidance tool on agriculture and food systems. The tool offers guidance to policy makers and practitioners to support the implementation of policies, governance, and on the ground measures that enable systematic shifts in agriculture and food systems to meet NDC targets and enhance mitigation of GHG in the food sector. The launch will be followed by a Q&A session.