COP28: Climate Knowledge for All: Effective Capacity Building for Non-Technical Audiences

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
5th Capacity Building Hub, Blue Zone
Date & Time

04 December 2023

5:20PM Gulf Standard Time (Dubai)

This event has now closed


In the agricultural sector globally, there is a rising need for assistance in evaluating and executing both mitigation and adaptation measures, along with understanding and adhering to the IPCC guidelines for greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting. These capacity-building requirements are demanding due to the technical nature of the subjects. Developing effective strategies for imparting technical knowledge to diverse audiences, with a particular focus on non-expert stakeholders, is thus central to successfulness of the capacity building activities. 

EPIC has been instrumental in conducting on-demand training and capacity-building workshops, tailoring its approach to suit both expert and non-expert audiences, ranging from government representatives and NDCs focal points, to farmers and farmer organizations. Leveraging on this experience, the event aims to highlight practical insights and success stories on how to effectively transfer technical knowledge in climate change-related fields to all type of audiences, including those lacking an advanced technical background. 

The session will have a specific focus on capacity-building for GHG accounting and climate mitigation, with a strong emphasis on lessons learnt. EPIC will present key insights into the team's experience in delivering the training to various audiences and will share the inputs from numerous responses provided to the post-training evaluation questionnaires demonstrating the successfulness of the capacity-building activities over time. This will help understanding what shapes the real-world outcomes of training and show to ensure that investments incapacity-building yield tangible benefits.


  • Creating a space for knowledge sharing to address the pressing challenges of capacity building in climate change, with a particular focus on assisting non-expert audience.
  • Raising awareness on the need of implementing effective capacity building for all types of audience.
  • Highlighting experiences and insights from EPIC team's expertise in delivering technical training on the use of the EX-ACT tool.