Yemen submitted its INDC in 2015. The country expresses an unconditional target of a 1% reduction in emissions by 2030 and a conditional target of 14% by the same year as compared to the business-as-usual scenario. The INDC covers the energy (including power generation, residential & commercial buildings, transport and industry), agriculture, water and waste sectors. The INDC presents adaptation measures for water, agriculture, resource use, disaster risk management, costal and marine resource management, and institutional capacity. Yemen intends to plan and implement medium- and long-term resilience building measures to address the impacts of climate change.
Timeline of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Document Submissions
Please click on the timeline below to view the documents submitted.
Climate Commitments
- Membership: member since 2023
- Country Engagement: Since joining the Partnership, Yemen has not requested any support through the Partnership.
Focal Point Ministries
- Ministry of Water and Environment
- Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation
Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Unit at supportunit@ndcpartnership.org.