In 2012, Bhutan launched its Carbon Neutral Strategy (CNS) as a follow-up to the carbon neutral commitments pledged by the government during the Copenhagen UNFCCC-COP15 meeting in 2009. With the support of the UNDP Low-Emission Capacity Building Programme, the government is undertaking the design of NAMAs, LEDS and MRV across a number of key sectors including: transport; waste; housing, and industry. To help mainstream gender balance into this design process, a Rapid Gender Capacity Needs Assessment was developed and implemented throughout 2013. Its recommendations are expected to enable more effective integration of gender balance into Bhutan’s national strategies and the implementation of its NAMAs and LEDS.
The gender assessment was developed to: identify and develop capacities to enhance scaled up mitigation actions (NAMAs, LEDS and MRV); integrate gender issues in climate policy development; and provide gender disaggregated data to the government to improve policy-making.
The assessment primarily focuses at the national level, but also seeks to engage relevant stakeholders from local governments, civil society, and industry. It has improved capacity and provided key recommendations and entry points for gender mainstreaming in national strategies. The recommendations produced will be included in the long-term objective of developing NAMAs and LEDS in the country.