Knowledge Portal
About the Knowledge Portal
The NDC Partnership’s Knowledge Portal helps countries to accelerate climate action by providing quick and easy access to data, tools, guidance, good practice, and funding opportunities.
Whether you are interested in reducing emissions or adapting to the impacts of climate change, the Knowledge Portal draws together the most relevant resources from partners and other leading institutions.
To learn more about the terminology and filters used in the Knowledge Portal, see our Metadata and Definitions page.
Featured Resources
NDC 3.0 Navigator
The NDC 3.0 Navigator, developed in collaboration with the UNFCCC secretariat, is an interactive tool that supports the development of ambitious, implementable and financeable NDCs to be submitted in 2025 that also reflect the outcomes of the first Global Stocktake. Drawing on the latest science, the Navigator provides easy-to-understand summary information and a non-exhaustive “menu” of options to consider for inclusion in a country’s NDC 3.0.

Other Featured Resources

Nationally Determined Contributions
Need the facts?
Explore climate data and learn about countries’ climate change goals by clicking on the button below. Additional resources can be found here.