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Leading the Charge on Climate Action: Six Countries Launch NDC Partnership Plans at COP25

In 2019, a number of NDC Partnership member countries developed NDC Partnership Plans, which can be used as a tool for coordination, planning, transparency, progress tracking, and resource mobilization for NDC implementation. At their core, Partnership Plans match identified country needs for NDC implementation with resources from Partnership members and international stakeholders to create a results-based action plan. Each Plan is different as the processes are fully country-owned and country contexts and needs vary, but they all converge the objectives of governments and support from development partners into a common operational framework. Over the past year, several NDC Partnership country members have made real strides towards accelerating the implementation of their NDCs through the development of NDC Partnership Plans.


On 9 December, countries and partners took to the stage in the NDC Partnership Pavilion at COP25 to participate in a global joint launch event, showcasing their climate leadership, and looking ahead to what is required to reach successful attainment of their ambitious climate and sustainable development goals.


Ministers and high-level country speakers from Jordan, Grenada, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Seychelles, Pakistan, and Lebanon shared stories, best practices, and highlighted gaps in support.  Showcasing a true partnership, the event also allowed development partners, including speakers from the United Kingdom and Germany, to share their commitment to assisting countries not only in implementing their NDCs, but also in raising their ambition.


The event, moderated by H.E. Minister Gale Rigobert from Saint Lucia, featured remarks from Pablo Vieira, Global Director of the NDC Partnership Support Unit, as well as NDC Partnership Co-Chair, H.E. Minister Carlos Manuel Rodriguez from Costa Rica. 


“It’s always a joy to be in the company of brothers and sisters who share a common cause, and are prepared to match direction with action,” said Minister Rigobert. “That is why we’re celebrating the six Partnership Plans today, and each minister in turn will tell you how excited he or she is about all of the fantastic work that’s going on in their countries.”




Minister Al-Kharabsheh of Jordan’s Ministry of Environment shared that, “in spite of the difficulties that we faced, I can say that we did quite well in terms of moving some of our sectors to low-carbon emission industries. By next year, 20 percent of our energy will be generated from renewable resources.”


Jordan’s NDC Action Plan includes key sectors such as energy, water, health, agriculture, and transport, and was endorsed by the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, and the National Climate Change Committee. Earlier this year, the Government of Jordan set up five government-led Sector Working Groups which have undertaken a project prioritization exercise to identify each sector’s key interventions and transformational pipeline projects based on their potential for significant emissions reduction, sustainable development benefits, readiness for implementation, and the degree of alignment with national development priorities.


Learn more about the NDC Partnership’s work in Jordan, as well as information on Jordan’s NDC, and access key documents by visiting Jordan’s country page.




Speaking for Grenada, Minister Simon Stiell of the Ministry of Climate Resilience noted that, “with the NDC Partnership, we have managed to plan, build critical partnerships, and obtain support to help us realize our ambition and hopefully inspire others to increase theirs. In developing our NDC Partnership Plan, the work of the National Climate Change Committee has been guided and strengthened.” Minister Stiell emphasized that the NDC Partnership is a critical component to achieving Grenada’s climate ambition and that the Partnership Plan demonstrates to Grenada’s citizens the government’s commitment to deliver climate action and emissions reductions.


Grenada’s Partnership Plan is a flexible, living document, that emphasizes implementation. While the government was developing its Partnership Plan, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also performed a Climate Change Policy Assessment which produced several key recommendations that were integrated into the Partnership Plan. In 2020, Grenada is looking to collaborate with the NDC Partnership, Green Climate Fund, and IMF to bring development partners together to discuss and commit support to implementation of climate actions and climate resiliency projects.


Learn more about the NDC Partnership’s work in Grenada, as well as information on Grenada’s NDC, and access key documents by visiting Grenada’s country page.


Burkina Faso


Minister Nestor Batio Bassière, Burkina Faso’s Minister of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change, explained that in developing Burkina Faso’s Partnership Plan, the Government outlined six components to consider, including capacity building, mitigation, adaptation, progress reporting, financing, and communication.


“We adopted a participative approach to develop our NDC Partnership Plan. Implementation of NDCs must involve all partners including civil society and development partners,” explained Minister Bassière.


Burkina Faso's Partnership Plan development started in early October 2019 with a multi-sectoral consultation meeting to review and identify national and sectoral priorities. The prioritization built on a review of existing national documents such as the National Forestry Investment Plan and the Government's Sectoral Development Plans. Individual surveying of sectoral and civil society representatives and a final review workshop at the end of November completed the consultation process. Ten partners have indicated interest in providing support to Burkina Faso for NDC implementation.


Learn more about the NDC Partnership’s work in Burkina Faso, as well as information on Burkina Faso’s NDC, and access key documents by visiting Burkina Faso’s country page.




“We are excited to be a part of the NDC Partnership. Zimbabwe views climate change as cross-sectoral and we understand that there is no implementation of NDCs without full engagement of society and an active role of the private sector,” stated Ms. Petronella Nyagura, Zimbabwe’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN. Zimbabwe's Partnership Plan was developed through a whole-of-society approach, including more than 15 government institutions, civil society, private sector, and academia. “As Zimbabwe advances in the implementation of its NDC and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, new approaches and innovative practices are being identified and aligned with our NDC Partnership Plan,” explained Ms. Nyagura.


Key outcomes of Zimbabwe’s Partnership Plan include local climate change mainstreaming; capacity strengthening of government and national stakeholders for climate finance; reducing water vulnerability; engaging micro, small, and medium enterprises; increasing adoption of competitive low carbon and clean technologies; scaling up climate smart agriculture; and strengthening early warning systems. So far, 27 partners are involved in the implementation of the Partnership Plan with financial contributions of 23 million USD.


Learn more about the NDC Partnership’s work in Zimbabwe, as well as information on Zimbabwe’s NDC, and access key documents by visiting Zimbabwe’s country page.




On behalf of the Seychelles, Ms. Angelique Pouponneau, CEO of Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust, explained that in creating Seychelles’ NDC Partnership Plan, the National Climate Change Committee was strengthened, and that the Partnership Plan process allowed stakeholders to identify areas of priority and key actions.


Measures included in the Seychelles’ Partnership Plan focus on energy and transport sectors; monitoring, reporting, and verification; national and international climate finance; adaptation planning and climate resilience; and adaptation and institutional capacity. The Partnership Plan also includes the blue economy and blue carbon (seagrass mapping) in climate action and planning, which is one of the priorities of COP25.


Ms. Pouponneau concluded by stating that “the Seychelles has been successful at many things because of partnerships. Partnerships are critical to the development and implementation of our NDC. We are communicating and implementing our ambition.”


Learn more about the NDC Partnership’s work in Seychelles, as well as information on Seychells’ NDC, and access key documents by visiting Seychelles’ country page.




Mr. Irfan Tariq, Director General of Pakistan’s Ministry of Climate Change, stated that “Pakistan is doing tremendous work to improve its natural resources and among others, Pakistan is using nature-based solutions as a key method to combat climate change.”


Pakistan’s Partnership Plan has been developed through a whole-of-society and highly participatory approach, including national and subnational governments, civil society, private sector, and academia. The Plan builds off the NDC Roadmap and prioritizes eleven investment areas to promote a low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathway. Key outcomes of the Plan include increasing the share of renewable energy and access to energy in underserved areas; scaling up low-carbon and climate resilient land management practices in the agricultural and forestry sectors; and establishing climate resilient ‘green’ eco-industrial parks.


Learn more about the NDC Partnership’s work in Pakistan, as well as information on Pakistan’s NDC, and access key documents by visiting Pakistan’s country page.




In his speech, Minister Fady Jreissati of Lebanon’s Ministry of Environment outlined the four steps of climate action implementation that are being applied in Lebanon. These include: 1) removing barriers to implementation; 2) scaling up climate action; 3) coordinating and synchronizing actions; and 4) repeating these steps until the goals of the Paris Agreement and carbon neutrality are achieved.  Minister Jreissati stated, “We must look inward to fast-track the transition, but also outward for cooperation and experience sharing.”


Lebanon is still finalizing its NDC Partnership Plan and is working with the Partnership and key sectors such as energy, waste, transport, forestry, water, and agriculture on consultations to form the basis of the Plan. These consultations are identifying transformative climate solutions for Lebanon’s people and the economy.


Lebanon will also be receiving through the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) with a focus on supporting Lebanon to set-up a Green Financing Facility.


Learn more about the NDC Partnership’s work in Lebanon, as well as information on Lebanon’s NDC, and access key documents by visiting Lebanon’s country page.


Looking to 2020


Offering a development partner perspective, Ms. Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Director-General of Global Issues of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, expressed, “There is more to do, but I think we have made real progress. Today I can tell you that I know how important NDCs are. They are at the heart of the Paris Agreement. What has to happen now is scaling financing and implementing these Partnership Plans.”


In earlier remarks, Ms. Catherine Bremner, Director of International Climate and Energy of the United Kingdom’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, stated that “the UK is proud to support the work of the NDC Partnership and support countries in raising their climate ambition.” Next year’s critical COP26 conference will be hosted by the UK Government in Glasgow, and all countries are expected to enhance their ambition by bringing updated or new NDCs to the table. Through CAEP, the NDC Partnership stands ready to support member countries in their efforts to enhance NDCs and raise ambition by 2020.


In his closing statement, Minister Rodriguez explained, “Our NDC family is growing, not just in countries, but also in many other kinds of stakeholders. Next year we have big and brave decisions to make. When we see what we are doing, and our footprint on nature, we know why our climate super year is so important.”


We invite you to watch the livestream of the event and learn more about the NDC Partnership’s in-country work by exploring our country pages.