Harnessing collective knowledge to increase climate ambition
As countries move from planning to implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) a common refrain heard is “Is there an example to use? Have others done this before? What are the lessons learned?”
The Paris Agreement created global momentum for climate action. It also provided a political framework and national targets to guide countries’ mitigation and adaptation efforts. While the global framework may be new, much of the implementation work builds off pre-existing efforts like Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), and National Adaptation Plans (NAPS). A rich evidence base already exists of action steps, leadership, and lessons for countries to draw upon as they implement their NDCs.
Launched at COP24 in Katowice, Poland, the Good Practice Database is a new tool helping to makes these examples more accessible to those looking for climate inspiration. It is a free, online hub for case studies on learning and leadership in climate action. The Database draws together a growing body of knowledge into a comprehensive and searchable repository of good practice examples where climate action is being effectively designed and implemented. It comprises lessons and experience from across the globe, chronicling not only success stories, but also barriers and obstacles, to highlight how countries have overcome challenges to advance climate goals. As a new addition to the recently relaunched NDC Partnership Knowledge Portal, it is complemented by data, tools, and climate finance sources.
The Good Practice Database is a collective effort for collective action
The Database is a joint product established by the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA), the IKI NDC Support Cluster, the UN Development Programme’s NDC Support Programme, the LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP), and the NDC Partnership.
Each of these partners has its own areas of expertise and knowledge, and collectively bring together decades of experience working with countries for climate action. Rather than reinventing the wheel or duplicating efforts (including knowledge products) the GPD partners – the German Agency for International Development (GIZ, on behalf of the Transparency Partnership), LEDS Global Partnership, the NDC Partnership Support Unit, and UNDP (on behalf of the NDC Support Programme) – have joined forces to develop this resource to draw on diverse experience, unique strengths, and robust exposure to the challenges and opportunities related to low carbon development planning.
No matter which website you use to access the common database, you will be able to search for the full suite of content from across the partners. This pooled content makes it easier for users to access case studies and cuts down on the confusion occasioned by too many platforms. Additionally, working together on a common database improves efficiency and reduces overall costs, thus freeing up resources for the development of additional case studies and learning opportunities.
The Good Practice Database draws together the best examples out there
The Database is carefully curated to reflect priorities identified by countries and highlight countries’ innovative measures and leadership to implement NDCs, development planning, cross-ministerial coordination and alignment and zero carbon development planning. Case studies profile activities that have worked well and are therefore worth sharing with others to replicate and learn from, as well as examples where countries have successfully overcome obstacles, grasped opportunities, or demonstrated leadership.
The content for the Database draws from the former GIZ and UNDP Global Good Practice Analysis Database and the LEDS GP and NDC Partnership Leadership Explorer.
To help users identify case studies most relevant to their needs, all content in the Database has been tagged by a common taxonomy, including by climate action area (adaptation, mitigation, cross-cutting), planning and implementation activity, sector and theme, language, region and country, barriers and success factors.
The new Good Practice Database can be accessed through the following websites:
Additional partners are welcome to join this collaborative effort, helping to present users with a more robust selection of case studies. If you are interested in engaging with us on this database, please email us at supportunit@ndcpartnership.org.
We hope this growing body of knowledge will lend inspiration to collectively accelerate action and raise ambition.
This blog was written by: Sadie Cox, Senior Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and LEDS Global Partnership; Kirstin Hücking, Advisor, GIZ supporting the IKI NDC Support Cluster and the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement; Amanda McKee, Head of Knowledge Management, NDC Partnership Support Unit; Allison Towle, Programme Specialist, NDC Support Programme, UNDP