The Small Islands States Resilience Initiative (SISRI) is a global program launched by the World Bank in September 2014, in response to calls by Small Island States for greater and more effective support to build their resilience to climate change and disaster risk. The goal of SISRI is to support Small Island States in reducing climate and disaster risks to their populations, assets, ecosystems and economies.
European Union, Japan, and contributions from several other members of the World Bank.
The Small Island States Resilience Initiative (SISRI), supported through the World Bank and GFDRR, is a global program established in response to calls by Small Island States for greater and more effective support to build their resilience. SISRI works through established procedures at the World Bank, while offering innovative and dedicated assistance specifically targeted at building resilience in Small Island States.
SISRI aims to support up to 30 countries in the Caribbean, Pacific and African/Indian Oceans during its first commitment period of 2016-2018.
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