PiA 2020: Empowering Inclusive Growth
Fifty-three out of 74 countries where the Partnership is active presented requests to work on inclusive growth, with an important share of demands oriented toward improving social inclusion and reducing inequalities. This trend reflects a growing recognition of the links between climate change and social inclusion. It also mirrors increased efforts to accelerate mainstreaming of climate into different policy areas. Countries are expanding their “whole-of-government” approaches through broadening the involvement of sectoral ministries in climate action. This includes integrating gender and youth considerations and stakeholders into NDC planning and implementation (see Gender paragraph below).
For more information on the Partnership’s work on green and inclusive growth, see:
- The blog based on a peer-to-peer event on the social challenges of climate change in the agriculture sector and co-organized with the Partnership Thematic Working Group on Agriculture, Food Security and Land Use (hosted by the FAO) and the International Labour Organization
Insight from our members:
- The New Climate Economy’s report on Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century
- The International Labour Organization’s Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all
This is a PiA 2020 story: Browse the multimedia version or PDF version.