


Suriname submitted its updated NDC in 2019. The country aims to protect 17% of forests and wetlands by 2030. The updated NDC covers agriculture, energy, forestry, housing, infrastructure, mining, tourism, and water. Suriname is one of three carbon negative countries in the world. 


Timeline of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Document Submissions

Please click on the timeline below to view the documents submitted.

Climate Commitments

Partnership Engagement
  • Membership: member since 2021
  • Country Engagement: Since joining the Partnership, Suriname has not requested any support through the Partnership. 

Country Documents

Access the country specific documents relevant to NDC Partnership in‑country work below.

Key Contacts

Focal Point Ministries

  • Ministry of Finance and Planning
  • Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment 

Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Unit team at